Why Gratitude Gets You Good Stuff

Posted 9:44 AM by Samuel Moo in
Yeah , once again blogging with blogpress. I would like to express my feeling now, I feel moody,down and miserable. I don't like this kind of feeling, so I went out just now to get some fresh air and read book alone at Damai Coffee Bean and had some foos at vegas.

It was great to be alone sometimes, dreaming or think of somethings.
Why am i feeling bad? I felt not satisfy. However, I think and think again, I finally understand Grateful will bring you great stuff. Once I am grateful for what surrounds me, I feel peace and love, inside which can only bring about what I want.

Seriously, after reading the book The Secret to Teen Power, it said that being grateful shifts your whole energy and changes your thinking in positive way. And remember, its only when our thoughts are positive that you can attract good stuff into your life. When we are grateful, we are positive minded, we believe in what we can achieved, we will be successful in future. Feeling grateful everyday, saying thank you whenever you got up from sleep, practice it, good things will happen to you, the law of attraction. =)

We should be happy what we have and make use of what we have now. We aren't to blame what we don have, it is no use. Just like looking back to history is useless, we can't blame anyone and wr can't change the past, but what we can do is to invent the FUTURE. The only thing we can change is our future. Make use of what wr have, be gratitude and say thank you, and your dream will come true.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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