Praise the Lord! Once again , youth alpha course. What is Christianity ? We as a Christianity, beside praying, helping one and others, and worshiping the lord, or reading bible, One thing we must do is to TELL the world that Jesus lives.

Many people around the world do not know who is Jesus. Our saviour who died for our Sins.

Its really good to share Great news about Christian. So how we share the message?

1. Leave the message. We must leave the message, this is the first and most important action.

2. Talk the message. A conversation need to be simple and clear about the mission.

3. Empower the message. Strengthen the message you sent.

4. Present the message.

5. Pray the message. We have to pray hard to God!

Its great to share Good news, beside Jesus, and also business opportunity.

Praise the lord, Jesus guide me through challenges all the way until now, really thanks God that he is always be with me for my career and my life, never felt lost, but being leaded by HIM.

Thanks and very happy that tonight met Mr Andrew CEO and Ah Fai helped me to build my team. Thanks

Many People failed or should I say gave up on network marketing such as cosway , amway or others companies, there are some reason behind it.

The key to success in Network Marketing is choose the right company or right MLM program for you.

MLM is no different from other business, it is also a business, but is like franchising business which allow your network grow and cash flow grow too. Business and MLM company or any other company also have a tough time first few years.

Many new MLM companies emerge, but only a few makes it past their second year. Fewer still reach five years or more.
MLM companies may fail because of several reasons: they are not properly financed; they have poor management team; they don't have a good product offering or they are unable to innovate, or the federal government found them unscrupulous in their dealings and shuts them down.

For people who wanna start MLM Business, they need trainer, good training and marketing tools that assist them to achieve their success in career, some company doesn't realize the importance of TRAINING system for new distributor, so they give up easily.

Now all of this doesn't mean that you should select your MLM company(s) with your eyes closed. There are some fundamental rules and guidelines for you to consider. 
  1. Participate in an MLM company that is at least five years old and is the best one that you can find. Make that your number 1 program. Then branch out and consider the second best, third best, even until the fifth “highly recommended” programs for diversification. Since some of these can be promoted easier and faster, you may want to vigorously promote these programs while you are building your slower, but stronger #1 program. 

    - This is really important, for example, NU LIFE INTERNATIONAL , provide training tools and strategies for distributor to build a successful system. It more than 5 years of success and have been awarded by many best health product and best brand in Malaysia. Good company background which provide health and wealth for people who have dreams.

  2. Get into MLM companies that you have total confidence in. There is nothing quite as frustrating as trying to promote a product or a company that you don't really believe in. Stick with the winners that has years of success behind them! Choose a company that has the capacity to innovate products fast. - Products are important too, you have to know and LOVE your product and believe it can help others, such as NU LIFE Wholefood Wheatgrass and Alfafa which is the world only one product that contain FFC ( FUNCTIONAL FOOD CONCENTRATE) 
As soon as you have decided and don't give up, keep go on with your marketing strategies, and offer to the fullest, then enjoy your life! 

How does God guide us?
Guidance is typically more of a step by step process

God has a specific plan

God wabt to guide u more than i want him to lead me

We all have to made our big decision through God, it is important.

5 ways
1)Through the word of god
God give us direction

2)through holy spirit
Recognize God voices
When we pray and reading bible

3)Through common sense
Think about consequences

4) through the advice from others
Theb wiser you are thebmore aware you will be that you need help to make the most of life

5)through circumstances
Don give up
God will come true for u

God want to guide u
Loving father know his plan

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Have you ever heard of some people said greedy is bad or the love of money is the root of all evil? There is always a good greed and bad greed. The reason I want to talk about this topic because a lot of people just think greed is bad.
There are more greedy poor people than rich people. In my opinion, the definition of greed is you want more than you willing to give. There are many greedy poor people than rich people. Why rich getting richer than poor people? Is because rich people give more than they receive.

For example, poor people wish to get more money but not willing to work harder, that is bad greed.

Good greed is when you want something; you are willing to give up something to get it. Every time I heard some people scold my friends that he is greedy that have a lot of cars. But for him to get more cars, he gives up a lot of time to invest and earn money to buy cars. He doesn’t buy new car until he give up something.
If you want have good things happened in life, you must have good greed. That’s how rich people getting rich. If you want more love, you must give love to others; if you want more money, give money. Don’t expect something to give u. So in short, you have to give what you want to get what you want, in theory, when you give, you will receive more than you give.

If you want more, give more. Some people are rich, they are not greedy, and they are even generous. Poor people don’t donate money to charity so they flat broke in the end of every month, because they don’t give. For people who are lazy, who expect to be given more or pay more than you give or do lousy jobs and works, you are greedy. This is one of the greatest lesson for people who want to succeed in life.