Wahai everyone, how many window users out there? wow it seem Microsoft hold a larger market share compare with Macintosh, because M = Monopoly? Okay, I'm a PC users since window 95 until the current version that I am using is Window Vista. There are a few people still using Window Xp as their primary operating system, because it is more stable than vista, without the features of user control (which is everytime pops out and ask for your permission to whether allow or not allow this program), which i hate the most, damn annoying.
So, what I am blogging tonight? Yeah, I love Apple products, creative, user friendly and elegant. A good products always elegant, such as iPod nano, most popular mp3 player in the world and the best selling mobile phone, the iPhone. Yeah, as you know that, Im pc user, but i like Mac more than PC. The features are cool. Macintosh is really a great operating system ever.
Why Microsoft hold the market share over the computer industry?
"The Macintosh became the first commercially successful small computer with a graphical user interface."
Yeah, the Macintosh was the most successful computer last time. So why?
"While Jobs was a persuasive and charismatic director for Apple, some of his employees from that time had described him as an erratic and temperamental manager. An industry-wide sales slump towards the end of 1984 caused a deterioration in Jobs's working relationship with Sculley, and at the end of May 1985 – following an internal power struggle and an announcement of significant layoffs – Sculley relieved Jobs of his duties as head of the Macintosh division."
His Apple dream, all disappear at 1985, he hired the wrong guy to manage the company. He started Apple but fired by Apple. So sad. I like Steve Jobs, he is one of the most innovative and smartest businessman in the world. Even Robert Kiyosaki said he is a superb businessman with high leadership skills. Microsoft is lucky I guess, they manage to come out a new operating system , the Window 95, the most popular OS at old time, get all the market shares. During that time, Apple shares and revenue eroded and dropped significantly. So in 1996, they recalled Steve Jobs and appoint him as the CEO of Apple once again! After the great return, iMac, iBook( which is macbook nowadays), iLife and many others.
What I like about Apple?
Beautiful Products, User friendly and more capable than windows a lot!
Anymore ? Yeah of course, Let watch some of the Get a Mac ads! This will differentiate a Mac and a PC! Enjoy
There are a lot of cool ads, just google "get a mac" ads
Thanks for watching!
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