Praise the Lord! Once again , youth alpha course. What is Christianity ? We as a Christianity, beside praying, helping one and others, and worshiping the lord, or reading bible, One thing we must do is to TELL the world that Jesus lives.

Many people around the world do not know who is Jesus. Our saviour who died for our Sins.

Its really good to share Great news about Christian. So how we share the message?

1. Leave the message. We must leave the message, this is the first and most important action.

2. Talk the message. A conversation need to be simple and clear about the mission.

3. Empower the message. Strengthen the message you sent.

4. Present the message.

5. Pray the message. We have to pray hard to God!

Its great to share Good news, beside Jesus, and also business opportunity.

Praise the lord, Jesus guide me through challenges all the way until now, really thanks God that he is always be with me for my career and my life, never felt lost, but being leaded by HIM.

Thanks and very happy that tonight met Mr Andrew CEO and Ah Fai helped me to build my team. Thanks

Many People failed or should I say gave up on network marketing such as cosway , amway or others companies, there are some reason behind it.

The key to success in Network Marketing is choose the right company or right MLM program for you.

MLM is no different from other business, it is also a business, but is like franchising business which allow your network grow and cash flow grow too. Business and MLM company or any other company also have a tough time first few years.

Many new MLM companies emerge, but only a few makes it past their second year. Fewer still reach five years or more.
MLM companies may fail because of several reasons: they are not properly financed; they have poor management team; they don't have a good product offering or they are unable to innovate, or the federal government found them unscrupulous in their dealings and shuts them down.

For people who wanna start MLM Business, they need trainer, good training and marketing tools that assist them to achieve their success in career, some company doesn't realize the importance of TRAINING system for new distributor, so they give up easily.

Now all of this doesn't mean that you should select your MLM company(s) with your eyes closed. There are some fundamental rules and guidelines for you to consider. 
  1. Participate in an MLM company that is at least five years old and is the best one that you can find. Make that your number 1 program. Then branch out and consider the second best, third best, even until the fifth “highly recommended” programs for diversification. Since some of these can be promoted easier and faster, you may want to vigorously promote these programs while you are building your slower, but stronger #1 program. 

    - This is really important, for example, NU LIFE INTERNATIONAL , provide training tools and strategies for distributor to build a successful system. It more than 5 years of success and have been awarded by many best health product and best brand in Malaysia. Good company background which provide health and wealth for people who have dreams.

  2. Get into MLM companies that you have total confidence in. There is nothing quite as frustrating as trying to promote a product or a company that you don't really believe in. Stick with the winners that has years of success behind them! Choose a company that has the capacity to innovate products fast. - Products are important too, you have to know and LOVE your product and believe it can help others, such as NU LIFE Wholefood Wheatgrass and Alfafa which is the world only one product that contain FFC ( FUNCTIONAL FOOD CONCENTRATE) 
As soon as you have decided and don't give up, keep go on with your marketing strategies, and offer to the fullest, then enjoy your life! 

How does God guide us?
Guidance is typically more of a step by step process

God has a specific plan

God wabt to guide u more than i want him to lead me

We all have to made our big decision through God, it is important.

5 ways
1)Through the word of god
God give us direction

2)through holy spirit
Recognize God voices
When we pray and reading bible

3)Through common sense
Think about consequences

4) through the advice from others
Theb wiser you are thebmore aware you will be that you need help to make the most of life

5)through circumstances
Don give up
God will come true for u

God want to guide u
Loving father know his plan

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Have you ever heard of some people said greedy is bad or the love of money is the root of all evil? There is always a good greed and bad greed. The reason I want to talk about this topic because a lot of people just think greed is bad.
There are more greedy poor people than rich people. In my opinion, the definition of greed is you want more than you willing to give. There are many greedy poor people than rich people. Why rich getting richer than poor people? Is because rich people give more than they receive.

For example, poor people wish to get more money but not willing to work harder, that is bad greed.

Good greed is when you want something; you are willing to give up something to get it. Every time I heard some people scold my friends that he is greedy that have a lot of cars. But for him to get more cars, he gives up a lot of time to invest and earn money to buy cars. He doesn’t buy new car until he give up something.
If you want have good things happened in life, you must have good greed. That’s how rich people getting rich. If you want more love, you must give love to others; if you want more money, give money. Don’t expect something to give u. So in short, you have to give what you want to get what you want, in theory, when you give, you will receive more than you give.

If you want more, give more. Some people are rich, they are not greedy, and they are even generous. Poor people don’t donate money to charity so they flat broke in the end of every month, because they don’t give. For people who are lazy, who expect to be given more or pay more than you give or do lousy jobs and works, you are greedy. This is one of the greatest lesson for people who want to succeed in life.

Hello! Just to update about my Christian Journal ! Yes , last night topic was great topic. Why we want to read bible?

Bible means , book of information before leaving earth.

Actually, I think bible is like a tutorial book for people who need to read it when we are living in the earth.

Many people are lazy, mostly everyone has two characteristic in life, which are laziness and greedy, they want more than they give out. Is it true?

Yes, there are no failure but people who give up easily, although last time i try my best to manage my time to read bible, for me last time is hard, but now for me everything has difficulty, but if u know how to handle, it will be easy.

The first five chapter was written by Moses, which is very important. Basic Information.

Okay and before the end of my post, i wish to share a great songs with all of you, with God we are set free, and we pray that everyone can Know more about the word of God.


There are many types of business in the world of economic. Every where is doing business, even EMPLOYEE also doing business, but is the boss's business, but not on his own business!

Without business, the earth will stop, no one provide products and services, the economic will become nothing.

So everyone wanna start a business, so they quit they job and run a business on their own.

Some may succeed till 5 years, some suicide after starting it, but also, some will pass 5 years, but only around 1% - 5% people who survive.

Three types of business model

1) Sole trader , everyone know this, Sole, mean Solo, Smart people who work on their own.

Benefits , earn every profits

But High risk, lost everything on his own, need to handle a lot of work inclusive of something that they do not even know how.

2) Partnership

Good business, share the lost, share the profit

But long term, they have conflict about their responsibility and sharing of profits.

Besides that, they even argue about point of view, the business will be broken.

3) Cooperation business

Which I want to share about NETWORK MARKETING, MLM business model

What is network marketing?
It is a business which like micro franchising.

Many people heard of Direct selling, then they all gone away, and they thinks that the marketing plan is ridiculous and hard to achieve to earn money with that business model. Why? The society's point of view already hard-wired that DIRECT Selling is bad, cheating model.

But in some people points of view, which they will look Longer term business model.

How powerful is this model, many people do not understand, but which come to an opportunity to explain to them and help them to start DOING IT.


There are people who thinks is bad, but Some people think is GREAT and revolutionary way to achieve wealth. They saw the power of it.

Warren Buffet, The Best Investment I ever Made
Why? Mr Buffet bought three network marketing business and earn incredible of income

Robert Kiyosaki said, " If I had to do it all over again, rather than build an old style type of business, I would have started building a NETWORK MARKETING BUSINESS."

The 11 reason on why Robert said This is GOOD BUSINESS MODEL.
1) True Equal Opportunity , which mean everyone can do it, there is no failure, and people who give up.

2)Life - Changing business education

3)Friends who will pull you UP, not DOWN. This point is very important, In NU LIFE INTERNATIONAL, we have leader to pull you up and guide you.

4)What is the value of a Network? Which mean, beside doing this, YOU CAN KNOW MORE PEOPLE, as you know , this world becoming incredible, because not what you know is important, but WHO YOU KNOW can make a differences in life. START NOW, there is no young or old, or any excuses, just APPROACH peoples.

5) Developing your most important business skill
What it means is, what are those skills we need in doing business? In my point of view, A business which can success is not because of PRODUCTS, but SALES AND MARKETING, and LEADERSHIP OF THIS BUSINESS, and their MISSION OF THE BUSINESS. For example, NU LIFE provides BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY AND HEALTH PRODUCTS for the market.

6) Leadership
Building network, like building your business team, in order to build a team, you need to be trusted by your members. Leadership is an ETERNAL skill that you must learn to become successful in life.

7) Is not working for money
Is a business, there is no boss will scold you, time limit, and you can do it at home. In our NU LIFE, we all are BUSINESS PARTNER, we help each others to achieve wealth and health.

8) Living your dreams

9)Marriage and business
You can pass the business to your CHILDREN EVEN THEY DO NOT KNOW HOW TO RUN, because you already build the network.

10) The Family Business

11) How you can use the same tax loopholes the rich use
FREE OF TAXES charges.


But in my point of view.

It provides me some reason why I like about this.






Even Robert kiyosaki and Warren Buffet agree about this business model, What about you?

Learn more about Network marketing and DS .

Thanks, and love to share about Good news.

Hey there, very happy that to share something I have learnt from Ramit Sethi , the author of i will teach you to be rich.

How to save more?

Keep it simple so we call it CEO model

C stand for cut cost

Like how? Cut one habbits

Dont drink so exp or eat so much expensive stuff

Reduce spending on unusual things.

E = earn more

Freelancing ? Work more

Doing side business

Start selling something at ebay

And also network marketing, nu life for example the fastest growing business opportunity :)

And the last one is O

O = optimizing

Reduce the insurance rate

Waived some payment

Get the cheapest rate for phone

Yup , you will be suprise when u save money with this method and you will have a lot to invest at the end of the month, start now

Wow I am grateful that I am able to join the Revolution night! Hurray man, which I learnt a lot that night, and prayed a lot to God, people prayed for me too=) Thanks!

What is it all about, is about everything, worshiping God! Learning bible studies, make a change in life too.

Nothing can bring us down, no body can keep us down, because we live for God!

Faithful by something, which is not emotional, and blind faith.

But God promises to us!

What God promise us? If you invite Jesus, He will always there, and never leave you. He is the answer, and gave us our eternal life.

Besides that,

yesterday night, I learnt a lot , to be part of the solution in this world, this is the time and place to begin, to make a difference.

Many people have a negative thoughts, that many things is IMPOSSIBLE. Actually what is IMPOSSIBLE? What is disabilities to us? Is that REAL?? I think, people should keep everything POSITIVE, so that there is CREATIVE AND STAND OUT THINGS HAPPEN. Why LIMIT YOURSELF when u have UNLIMITED POTENTIAL? I don't understand =) but be faithful to God, that he is the way and truth, so that our life NEVER THE SAME AGAIN.

How can us be the CHANGE?

John 6:5-14

5When Jesus looked up and saw a great crowd coming toward him, he said to Philip, "Where shall we buy bread for these people to eat?" 6He asked this only to test him, for he already had in mind what he was going to do.

7Philip answered him, "Eight months' wagesa]" style="font-size: 0.75em; line-height: 0.5em; ">[a] would not buy enough bread for each one to have a bite!"

8Another of his disciples, Andrew, Simon Peter's brother, spoke up, 9"Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?"

10Jesus said, "Have the people sit down." There was plenty of grass in that place, and the men sat down, about five thousand of them. 11Jesus then took the loaves, gave thanks, and distributed to those who were seated as much as they wanted. He did the same with the fish.

12When they had all had enough to eat, he said to his disciples, "Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted." 13So they gathered them and filled twelve baskets with the pieces of the five barley loaves left over by those who had eaten.

14After the people saw the miraculous sign that Jesus did, they began to say, "Surely this is the Prophet who is to come into the world."

This verse explain how can we make a change

1) Remember there was a boy and there was crowd. DON'T be part of the problem, but solution.

2)The boy was nameless in the bible?Why, he did make a change! Because, anyone can be the BOY, anyone can do it! Its not difficult.

3) He just a boy, but nothing stopping you, God is not looking for people who is ABLE, but is AVAILABLE !

4) Only five loaves and two fish can feed 10k peoples? Is not limited when God help you, THERE IS NOTHING JUST ONLY, just give what you have!

5) The boy actually din't have to do it, but he want to do it, make a change, be solution but not COMPLAINERS, and very easy, just did WHAT HE COULD OR KNEW TO DO.

These are the few things i learnt from it.

It was a great night, very happy, maybe everyone of there, were choose to come here by God. Praise the lord, that giving me this chance to go. Thanks God.


Lai, all i can do is just pray, so everyone will do it, be the change! Thanks

Firstly, Jesus Died on the Cross for us because of setting us free from sins so that we can reconcile with God once again. Being a Christian is not religion but a relationship with God.

Jesus Christ is the righteous one and holy one, he is perfect one, have no sins.

Thank you Jesus that take away our sins, set us free forever and ever. Jesus, everything we did, we ask for your forgiven.

Everyone is thinking that english is a subject TO PASS, but not a language.

Let me tell you why english in this modern age is so important.

Being able to communicate well in English, is one of the most important life skills anyone can have.

There are many people who do not have high academic qualifications but still do well in life, because they can EXPRESS their ideas well with international language, WHICH is ENGLISH.


They know how to express themselves in a creative and interesting way, and build positive interpersonal relationship.

Parents can provide opportunities for their children to become more EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATORS.

So don't treat it as a subject but a language, it is a TRANSPORT TOOL for everyone of us, so everyone whose english is an OBSTACLE for them, try to learn it.

Learn to LISTEN, SPEAK, READ, WRITE , which is a slogan of our CES centre , or Pusat bahasa titian at LINTAS SQUARE , MAYBANK's lot, above HONGKONG RESTAURANT.

It provides 4 type of learning which is TOTAL LEARNING CONCEPT

1. It is suitable for anyone , students and working adults.

2.Time is flexible for you

3With few years of experience teacher to lecture.

4. Can interact with people who are SAME English Level with you (there are total of 7 level)

5. A good enviroment for study and can reattend lesson that you don't understand (FREE OF CHARGE)

6. Having a certificate and reasonable price

thank you so much, have a great days, God bless all of you

If you want to know more about the COURSE, NOT TUITION, contact me 016-5529890 , Samuel Moo

Everyone receiving criticism everyday? Is criticism bad things? Have you ever criticized by anyone?

Criticism hurts people feeling and confident, but try looking at the positive way, maybe it is a good opportunity to learn something. Everyone major in something, not everything, but I think major in Major things always the best things that makes you successful in life.

So, if you ever been criticized by someone, remember, you have nothing to lose, just believe in yourself, don't lose your confident, there is no one perfect, some people maybe major in THIS stuff, but in other stuff, you are more standout, thats the thing you should MAJOR on.


After being scolded or degrade? how would you feel? ANGRY

Yeah normal thing, everyone will get angry.

Don't blame anyone but yourself. Anger is a destructive emotion

Why get angry?

However the good news is, anger has a powerful energetic force. Utilize our anger, use it to fuel your path of personal growth.

So, be confident, believe in yourself always, everyone can make it, there is always a way.

Once again, our saviour lives! Praise the lord!

Let us worship God with the song sang by Desperation band

Tonight topic was about Jesus?

What is important is who is Jesus to you

Jesus is our son of God! Whoever believes in his word, may have eternal life.

Jesus is the good news that everyone sharing, and makes him become Famous for many thousand years

For me, who is really Jesus Christ!?

When i heard of Jesus, I think of he died for us, and set us free. The only man that die for everyone.

God loves everyone, and offer a wonderful plan for your life.

Only through Jesus, we can feel God love and plan

Jesus said to him, 'I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father,
but through Me'" (John 14:6).

We must be faithful, believe in Him, he will show us mercy and grace.

By grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is
the gift of God; not as a result of works, that no one should boast" (Ephesians 2:8,9).

Yup that should be everything I know about Jesus, pray to him, Jesus will always answer our prayer.


Thanks God that I'm back to youth celebration which is part of my life and the most important things in my life.

Last week i went to Kl for short trip. Tonight was another great night and most important night of my life, it changed my decision and thoughts.

Before sharing about tonight lesson, I am happy that I met new friends at youth and met some old friends and which strengthen our relationship. Thanks God.

Tonight I learned three things, which is Jesus Christ gives us.

What is Christian means to you?

For me is about believing Jesus Christ is the son of God.

So, tonight was presented by Pastor Jonathan, which is young and great speaker.
Jesus always say, I am the bread of your life, and I am the way,the truth and the life.

Jesus gives us way(or direction), the truth and our life.

Some people may ask me what makes you come to youth? Is it for meeting friends? hmm I don't really have close friends at youth. So I try to ask myself, why? Because I found that although my goal of life is to be financial freedom and have a rich family , live in rich life, but still left something, meaningless and goalless, I am quite lost in the world.

And today I know that Jesus will show me the way and direction of my life. Just to surrender all to him, just gave all of your life to him, God will lead us, to our dream.

The second thing is truth. What is truth?
Jesus said, I am the truth. If you want to seek the truth of your life, seek for God.

The third things, Jesus gives us life and hope.

Everything is given by God, We must give back even if we are poor. Thanks you for reading my blogs.

This is a song that really meaningful for me, and for everyone. we should surrender to God, which he lead us to our dream.

Hi, I don't know why I'm writing this blog post, because I really don't hope that this blog post will exist, because is time to leave you, it also means I never had time to show you how much I love you.

You have shown me what love is and what is feel like to be loved. You are someone that I could turn to when I need help.

Just want to say something and I mean this more than I ever did before. I love you, care about you, just because we separate does not mean I am not with you, I'll always care and comfort you okay. Ill be right there for you , love you.

Thanks and take care.

Happy Chinese new year to everyone. After chatting with few old friends, I realize, many people have their own thoughts and point of view. It's an interesting conversations with them.

After chatting with them, I learned something that I am going to share with all of you.

Are we hard wired to think poor? or cheap?

We've been conditioned to think small, simplify, not to be greedy, and to overall expect less and demand less from life, because that is unrealistic. We have been taught not to dream because it won’t happen in our life. So, should we dream big?

Dream is a greatest gift from God to us, we should be thankful that God gave us a greatest power in our life which is Dream. According to Law of attraction, dream and thought produce frequency, and it will turn into facts as we continue dreaming and thinking about it.

Most people are afraid of thinking big, they're scared to be successful, scared to be rich and AFRAID OF FAILURE. Making mistake is one of the greatest tools in life for us to become wiser, smarter or even richer. For most people, being rich is a pleasant dream, but they're comfortable with the dream - it's nice and it makes them feel good.

What is really good about dreaming big? It will turn dream to reality. As Donald Trump always say, DREAM BIG.

I believe dream is always a great way to encourage people to think outside the box, which bring our creative ideas into real life. Sometimes life is even stranger than any fiction story books. Remember, nothing is impossible. We can create what we really want, focus it and put some faith.

You can have anything you want - ask for it, choose it, be committed to it and believe it will happen and don’t ever lose faith. Start thinking big. Ask for MORE. Life is like that - by its very nature it grows, it evolves, it seeks to be more than it is, it acquires. That's not a bad thing. Start practicing, start to think and dream big, start to believe it, and start it now.

So what is really success? Success defined as the attainment of something, there are many varieties, such as wealth, position, education, or investing.

You can achieved success in a dance show or singing performance, you can be successful as Warren Buffett.

Its an achievement or goals in life. Today, I have learnt that success in something can be determine by a Formula, which are Knowledge, discipline and fear.

The formula is S = (K)(D)/(F)

First, choose what do you want success in? for example, success in INVESTING.

Give a rate of each K,D,F with 0-10

then do the math, simple!

Eg. Let say i don't have any knowledge about investing, so i give 0, but i have discipline of 10 and at last i don't have any fear so i give 0 for F

Did you find there is a math error? ya, we cannot be success IF WE DO NOT HAVE ANY KNOWLEDGE AND DISCIPLINE ( which is 0).

To be real successful, you must have 10 for K and D and have 1 for F , which is S = 100!

So keep try for your success, in any things!

Another Eklektos youth celebration! Hurray. Last night was a great night again!

1Corinthians 16:8-9
But I will tarry at Ephesus until Pentecost. For a great door and effectual is opened unto me, and there are many adversaries.

Open door, although is restricted to spread the good news, but Brother andrew never give up to spread the Bible into China and other restricted country.

Every place is an opportunity, we can seize any opportunities to evangelize.

I have learnt 2 lesson last night, to seize opportunity is to begin with a right time management.

Second is to look at opposition positively. Although sometimes we feel hurt and frustrated being opposed by people, but look it with the right perspective.

Besides that, we pray that christians will be united and be strong after many cases of burning church happened, pray that God will save us as God is unshaken. Amen

Because of You I was born again

Because of You I am ransomed by your grace

Because of You my heart has found a home

Because of You a refuge for my soul

Because of You sins are washed away

Because of You heaven knows my name

Because of You I can live again

You have broken every chain

Im back to Eklektos Youth celebration, yeah! so excited to worship God once again.

Before starting to write anything about last night, I wish to thanks God, Jesus Christ who let me learnt so many things from all the mistake i have made, I hope I will have a bright future which God made my future steps. And I will found the truth everyday in my life, Thank you!

Okay last night was another great night that I have learnt what is fruit of the spirit.

There are nine characteristic , which are Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self Control.

These are the nine characteristic which are really important in our life.

So, I pray that I can grow in all characteristic in 2010. Amen!

Last night we sang a few meaningful and great songs to God, which i think i need to share with all of you. enjoy

Have you ever heard of Android? or Motorola Droid? Its a new phone, which is interesting phone, maybe it can beat iPhone?? I guess .

What makes Google Phone win? or better than iPhone?
Hmm I'm not sure whether is USER FRIENDLY or not, but I think iPhone is definitely easy and simple to use. So, what so special of this phone?

#1 For sure is Battery life, it is far more better than iPhone which can only sustain 5 hours??

#2 Multitasking, iPhone not good at this, you must quit one apps to open the others?

#3 5 mega pixel and got flash. Good phone huh.

I really wish i could try it out, I love gadgets so much.

Firstly , wanna wish everyone happy new year, may all your wishes and dreams come true!
So everyone has dreams and goals. Its good to have dreams, dream it big, it doesnt cause you money to dream big! Make our goal even more impposible.
Truths are even stranger than fiction!
so dream big!

Taking action instead of dreaming in this new year 2010! So start to plan what are our goal for this wonderful year.

Start learning a few subjects, learn more instead of doing wasteful activities.

Its time for me to do some serious planning!

My first goal is always increase my financial knowledge about real estate and business skills.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone