Everyone receiving criticism everyday? Is criticism bad things? Have you ever criticized by anyone?
Criticism hurts people feeling and confident, but try looking at the positive way, maybe it is a good opportunity to learn something. Everyone major in something, not everything, but I think major in Major things always the best things that makes you successful in life.
So, if you ever been criticized by someone, remember, you have nothing to lose, just believe in yourself, don't lose your confident, there is no one perfect, some people maybe major in THIS stuff, but in other stuff, you are more standout, thats the thing you should MAJOR on.
After being scolded or degrade? how would you feel? ANGRY
Yeah normal thing, everyone will get angry.
Don't blame anyone but yourself. Anger is a destructive emotion
Why get angry?
However the good news is, anger has a powerful energetic force. Utilize our anger, use it to fuel your path of personal growth.
So, be confident, believe in yourself always, everyone can make it, there is always a way.
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