#9 Youth of the night - Preparing For Nativity

Posted 6:16 PM by Samuel Moo in
Hello everyone, it's another youth of the night, yeah, our speaker was Rev Lee. The night was an amazing topic which I din't take any note but, I remembered it. Praise the Lord.

The night, I have learned a lot of stuff about Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ. Among all the woman at that time, why God have chosen her to be Jesus's mother? Yes, there are few reasons for that.

#1 Student of Word
Mary study bible, the Word of God always, she is a good learner. God need someone like Mary to teach Jesus about the bible throughout his life. So start reading bible everyday, at least once in a week.

#2 Humility
Mary is a humble person. In Luke 1:26-38. Everyone should be humble of what he/she got, and not to jealous on others, be appreciate of every things in life, don't complain but be grateful, thats the way to attracts more good stuff happen in life.

#3 Availability
Mary is a student of Word, she serve God as her Lord, the only God, and she willing to become the servant of God.

#4 Praise to God
Mary praise the good things happen to God!
Everything we got, either good or bad, we shall praise to God, or Halleluyah. Criticism, everyone been through before, it does feel bad or hurt, however, we should also praise to the Lord, at least we can learn something from it but not to complain about it, think positively, it will increase our self-esteem in life.

#5 Enthusiasm
Mary was excited about it when the angel came to her.
When we worshiping God, we must bring our heart to worship, we must be excited about it. So, when we doing anything in life, we should be excited or happy, this will directly influence the performance or the consequences.

Yes, the 5 traits that Mary is special than others.
Its was a good topic share by cathy lee father =)
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